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According to our data, this data center is currently listed as: Planned

19886 Ashburn Rd

JK Land Holdings
19886 Ashburn Rd
20147 Ashburn
Virginia, USA
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The proposed data center in Loudoun County, covering 25 acres, represents a significant investment with its recent purchase for $60 million. The site, currently utilized by Telos Corporation, was sold by Finmarc Management Inc., which had acquired it in 2019 for $26.1 million.

JK Land Holdings, owned by Chuck Kuhn, is contemplating the development of a data center at this location on Ashburn Road. Although the future of the site post-Telos' lease is not set in stone, a data center remains a strong possibility.

The plan includes a two-story data center spanning 360,000 square feet, complemented by a substation, pending the relocation of the existing headquarters and parking facilities. This plan received county approval and was initially proposed by Finmarc in February 2023.

Currently, the site houses a three-story commercial office building and a single-story industrial building, totaling 190,000 square feet of space, which serves as Telos Corporation's headquarters. Telos is expected to maintain its tenancy until 2029, continuing a long-standing presence since 1988.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in 19886 Ashburn Rd, other data centers in Ashburn or operated by JK Land Holdings, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
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JK Land Holdings

Data Center Operator at
19886 Ashburn Rd
19886 Ashburn Rd
Headquartered in Sterling, Virginia