Data Center Map

TKG Data Center

The Karcher Group
5590 Lauby Rd
44720 North Canton
Ohio, USA
Visit Website

Where is the data center located? North Canton, OH
When was it established? 2006
What kind of building is it in? Concrete-block office/wharehouse complex
Is there easy access to highways or other important methods of transport? Less than 1/4 mile from I77, located on Akron Canton Airport (CAK) Grounds
Easy access to parking? parking, loading dock, loading ramp all available.

How much power is available? anything up to 3 phase available, no DC power
Is it based on raised floors or overhead cooling? overhead cooling

[X] 24/7 access
[ ] 24/7 staff on side
[ ] 24/7 security guard(s)
[X] Remote hands available
[X] Automatic fire suppression
[ ] Video surveillance
[X] Generator
[ ] Alarm system
[X] Aircondition

[ ] Rental of suites/rooms
[ ] Rental of cages
[ ] Rental of foot prints
[X] Rental of racks
[X] Hosting of individual servers
[X] Dedicated servers
[ ] Virtual servers
[ ] Office space

Write a little about the connectivity, what's the capacity? currently a full DS3 with redundancy through XO and AT&T

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in TKG Data Center, other data centers in Akron Canton or operated by The Karcher Group, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 5590 Lauby Rd.
DistanceData CenterAddress
5.34 milesArk Data Centers Canton4726 Hills and Dales Rd. NW
8.17 milesUntangled Technology Data Center401 Tuscarawas St W
11.1 milesArk Data Centers Akron 1191 E. Miller Ave
11.23 milesArk Data Centers Akron 2191 E. Miller Ave
11.44 milesLumen Akron 2110 South Alrington Street
11.85 milesCBTS Mason Data Center784 Forrest Hill St.
12.99 milesCogent Data Center - Akron120 N Broadway St
18.56 milesFairlawnGig Service Center3300 Fairlawn Service Drive
21.12 milesLightSpeed Data Center387 Medina Rd
23.29 milesBay Pointe Data Center2662 Brecksville Rd

The Karcher Group

Data Center Operator at
TKG Data Center
5590 Lauby Rd
Headquartered in North Canton, Ohio