Data Center Map
This data center may not be available

According to our data, this data center is currently listed as: Planned

Google Fort Wayne - Building 7

within E Tillman Rd / Adams Ctr Rd
46816 Fort Wayne
Indiana, USA

The exact location of this data center is not public,
but it is located within E Tillman Rd / Adams Ctr Rd
Visit Website
Google Logo

Google is constructing a state-of-the-art data center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Codenamed "Project Zodiac," this massive undertaking will encompass a 700+ acre site with 12 buildings.

While specific technical details and a completion timeline remain undisclosed, the project underscores Google's commitment to expanding its global cloud infrastructure and driving technological innovation.

Part of Google Fort Wayne Campus

This profile is a sublisting to the campus listing Google Fort Wayne Campus.
- Click here to view the profile for Google Fort Wayne Campus

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Google Fort Wayne - Building 7, other data centers in Fort Wayne or operated by Google, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.15 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 8E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.4 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 5E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.42 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 6E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.45 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 9E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.45 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 1E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.48 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 10E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.56 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 4E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.56 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 11E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.56 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 2E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd
0.67 milesGoogle Fort Wayne - Building 12E Tillman Rd & Adams Ctr Rd


Data Center Operator at
Google Fort Wayne - Building 7
Headquartered in Mountain View, California