Data Center Map

Netrality - 717 S Wells

717 S. Wells
60607 Chicago
Illinois, USA
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Netrality Logo

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets

´ Diverse fiber entrances along South Wells Street
´ Pre-built 1.25" innerducts from carrier entrances to Meet Me Room
´ Cabinet and caged colocation space
´ Multi-tiered overhead cable tray management
´ Live load floor capacity of 125 lbs/SF
´ Pre-action dry pipe fire suppression system
´ 19'-6" column spacing
´ 11'-2" clear height from floor slab to underside of slab above
´ Power density of 125 watts/SF for critical systems capacity
´ UPS - 500kW systems in 2N configuration (9 minute battery duration) on
6th floor and 600kW on 5th floor
´ Overhead UPS distribution - Starline system allows plug and play breaker
installations without shutdowns
´ ATS - 1600 amp, 480v capacity on the 5th floor with separate utility and
generator feeds
´ 1.5mw diesel generator
´ Kyoto cooling system with 170 tons of total cooling capacity in an N+1
redundant configuration
´ Kyoto energy wheel based air-to-air transfer cooling technology that
provides 90% effectiveness in heat rejection to maximize the number of
free-cooling hours used to cool data center supplemented by DX cooling
´ No outside air introduced through the Kyoto system, reducing outside air
contaminates and humidity in the data center
´ Refrigerant-based system, no chilled or condenser water used resulting in
no water leaks
´ Distribution via a cold aisle configuration delivering cooling directly to the
IT equipment load and reducing air recirculation
´ Mechanical and Electrical systems monitored with web based remote
access, paging and email alerts by building automation system
´ Tyco security system with key card access and video surveillance
throughout the space
´ Data Room specific on-site security
´ Data Room access via a man-trap entry vestibule and security station
´ 24/7 access to authorized customer personnel via verified access lists

Netrality Chicago - Data Sheet.pdf
Netrality - 717 S Wells - 717 S Wells
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Netrality - 717 S Wells, other data centers in Chicago or operated by Netrality, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 717 S. Wells.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.01 milesNaviSite Chicago725 S Wells
0.02 milesSinch Data Center717 S Wells St
0.02 milesColoHouse Chicago Wells725 S Wells Street
0.02 miles725 S. Wells725 S Wells
0.19 milesLumen Chicago 5600 S. Federal
0.2 miles600 S. Federal St. (ORD11)600 South Federal Street
0.22 milesColocation America PHILLYDC21000 Adams Ave
0.23 miles427 LaSalle427 South LaSalle Street
0.23 milesCoreSite Chicago (CH1)427 South LaSalle
0.32 milesChicago Board of Trade Building141 West Jackson


Data Center Operator at
Netrality - 717 S Wells
717 S. Wells
Headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania