Data Center Map

Rackspace San Jose

Rackspace Hosting
150 South 1st St
Suite 101
95113 San Jose
California, USA
Visit Website
Rackspace Hosting Logo

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Remote Hands
Public Cloud Servers

Profile text unavailable for this listing.

This data center has timeline events listed. Typically events are related to M&A history, rebranding, capacity expansions etc.
2017 - M&A - Datapipe San Jose
Company name: Datapipe
In November 2017, Rackspace acquired Datapipe
Part of 150 South First St

This profile is a sublisting to the colocation listing 150 South First St.
- Click here to view the profile for 150 South First St

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Rackspace San Jose, other data centers in San Jose or operated by Rackspace Hosting, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 150 South 1st St.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.03 miles150 South First St150 South First Street
0.18 milesCoreSite San Jose (SV1)55 South Market Street
0.19 milesColoCrossing SJ155 S. Market Street
1.25 milesEvocative SJC7534 Stockton Ave
2.13 milesCogent Data Center - San Jose801 Newhall St
2.94 milesLumen San Jose 11741 Technology Drive
3.09 miles2045 & 2055 LaFayette St (SJC17)2045 & 2055 LaFayette Street
3.47 milesCloudHQ SJC1552 Reed St
3.61 miles2220 De La Cruz Blvd (SC1)2220 De La Cruz Boulevard
3.76 milesEquinix SV31735 Lundy Ave
Rackspace Hosting

Rackspace Hosting

Data Center Operator at
Rackspace San Jose
150 South 1st St
Site Code: SJC2
Headquartered in San Antonio, Texas