Data Center Map

Centersquare - Los Angeles LAX5-A

2681 Kelvin Ave
92614 Irvine
California, USA
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Private Cabinets
Remote Hands

1MW of fuel cell power is generated onsite to reduce the carbon footprint of the Irvine data center, and boasts excellent low-latency connectivity to public clouds, the Internet, and high-speed private connectivity to Evoque's other US data centers.

150,000 sq. ft. data center; 70,580 sq. ft. of raised floor

Standard cabinet: 45U 42" deep 4 & 6 kW

Standard cage capacity: Up to 300 W/sq. ft.

Higher densities with build to suit

Cloud-enabled with Evoque Connectivity Suite and Megaport

99.999% SLA on power, network and bandwidth

Seismic Zone 4

Centersquare - Los Angeles LAX5-A - Los Angeles - Irvine, CA Evoque Data Center Virtual Tour
This data center has timeline events listed. Typically events are related to M&A history, rebranding, capacity expansions etc.
2024 - M&A - Evoque Irvine
Company name: Evoque
In April 2024, Evoque and Cyxtera merged and rebranded as Centersquare
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Centersquare - Los Angeles LAX5-A, other data centers in Los Angeles or operated by Centersquare, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 2681 Kelvin Ave.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.39 milesDataBank SNA2 - Irvine17400 Von Karman Avenue
0.4 milesSMS Datacenter2525 Main Street
0.45 milesDataBank SNA1 - Irvine17222 Von Karman Avenue
0.56 milesAlchemy Irvine Data Center2640 Main St
0.65 milesCentersquare - Los Angeles LAX3-A17836 Gillette Ave.
0.71 milesData Canopy - Irvine16842 Von Karman Ave
1.67 milesOrange County Internet Exchange2001 E. Dyer Rd
1.69 milesTPx Santa Ana Data Center2001 E Dyer Rd
2.87 milesLumen Tustin14452 Franklin Avenue
2.97 milesIC2NET Tustin Data Center14351 Myford Rd

Flexible Cabinet Bundles

Single 2, 3 or 5kW Cabinet
6 port fiber Ecosystem Connect
1 hour per month remote hands
Starting at $600 MRC
More Information

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Data Center Operator at
Centersquare - Los Angeles LAX5-A
2681 Kelvin Ave
Site Code: LAX5-A
Headquartered in Coppell, Texas