Located to the East of Newcastle, this purpose-built colocation facility is the gateway for connections into Yorkshire and the North East and enables high-speed European and transatlantic connectivity, due to its close proximity to the Euroconnect-1 international fibre landing station. The highly resilient facility is easily accessible by road, rail tram and air and is built and configured for the rapid installation of your mission-critical IT infrastructure, whether you require part of a single rack or multiple racks in a secure cage.
. 10,000 sq ft facility with space for over 150 racks available in full, half and quarter sizes. . 1.0MW Incoming power supply. . Cooling in an N+1 configuration. . Standby back-up generator with 12 hours of run time and a provisional 3k litre tank. . Dual diverse power & network feeds to each rack. . Double-knock and VESDA systems, with fire suppression systems. . Internal and external CCTV systems plus 24x7x365 building monitoring systems and perimeter monitoring. . Bandwidth over diverse feeds from 5 external carriers: BT, Virgin Media, Vodafone, Cogent and Zayo. . Facilities on site: Wifi, Kitchen, Free hot / cold drinks, Toilets, Parking, Build Room, Loading Bay, Meeting Room. . ISO27001 and 9001 accredited for information security and quality assurance.
This data center has timeline events listed. Typically events are related to M&A history, rebranding, capacity expansions etc.
2014 - M&A
Company name: Knowledge IT
On December 22nd, 2014, Onyx Group announced the acquisition of Knowledge IT
2016 - M&A
Company name: Onyx Group
On Jun 8, 2016, Pulsant announced the acquisition of Onyx Group
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Pulsant Newcastle NE-2, other data centers in Newcastle or operated by Pulsant Ltd, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
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