Data Center Map

CyrusOne LON2 - West Drayton

CyrusOne Data Centers
DC2 Prologis Park Heathrow, Stockley Road
UB7 9FN West Drayton
United Kingdom
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Private Cabinets

Strategically located to the west of London within the thriving Prologis Park Heathrow, CyrusOne’s LON2 delivers 13.92 MW of IT load to 7,484 sq m (80,557 sq ft) of technical space across two floors. The facility is purpose-built, offering industry-leading energy efficiencies, the latest adiabatic free cooling technology, ultra-low PUEs, multilayer security, carrier neutrality, and a Tier III+ level of resilience.

LON2 Spec Sheet
CyrusOne LON2 - West Drayton - © CyrusOne - LON2
This data center has timeline events listed. Typically events are related to M&A history, rebranding, capacity expansions etc.
2012 - M&A - Infinity SDC West Drayton
Company name: Infinity SDC
Opened by Infinity SDC in 2012, lateracquired by Zenium in 2017.
2018 - M&A - Zenium - London Two
Company name: Zenium Data Centers
CyrusOne acquired Zenium Data Centers in 2018.
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in CyrusOne LON2 - West Drayton, other data centers in London or operated by CyrusOne Data Centers, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to DC2 Prologis Park Heathrow, Stockley Road.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.8 kmVIRTUS LONDON5200 Horton Rd
0.87 kmVIRTUS LONDON6200 Horton Rd
0.94 kmVIRTUS LONDON8200 Horton Rd
1 kmVIRTUS LONDON7200 Horton Rd
1.34 kmRackspace London 88 Millington Rd
2.02 kmEconDCUnit 1, Globe House, Bentinck Road
2.54 km1 Airport Gate (LHR17)1 Airport Gate, Bath Rd
2.68 kmArk Data Centres - Union ParkN Hyde Gardens
3.78 kmColt London HayesBeaconsfield Rd
3.83 kmCorscale Court LaneCourt Ln
CyrusOne Data Centers

CyrusOne Data Centers

Data Center Operator at
CyrusOne LON2 - West Drayton
DC2 Prologis Park Heathrow, Stockley Road
Site Code: LON2
Headquartered in Carrollton, Texas