Data Center Map

Hivelocity - Amsterdam 1

J.W. Lucasweg 35
2031 BE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

Located within Amsterdam, one of Europe's leading data center markets, Hivelocity's Amsterdam 1 facility offers businesses reliable colocation and seamless access to a wealth of internet exchanges and Tier-1 carriers. The facility prioritizes flexibility with a range of colocation solutions, from shared cabinets to private suites, aligning with diverse client needs.

Part of Iron Mountain Data Centers AMS-1

This profile is a sublisting to the colocation listing Iron Mountain Data Centers AMS-1.
- Click here to view the profile for Iron Mountain Data Centers AMS-1

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Hivelocity - Amsterdam 1, other data centers in Amsterdam or operated by Hivelocity, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to J.W. Lucasweg 35.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.08 kmIron Mountain Data Centers AMS-1J.W. Lucasweg 35
0.37 kmCellnex HaarlemA. Hofmanweg 1
0.37 kmPenta AMS01A. Hofmanweg 1
2.77 kmCyrusOne AMS1 - HalfwegLinieweg 1
3.57 kmCogent Data Center - AmsterdamHaarlemmerstraatweg 133-135
9.26 kmSwitch Datacenters AMS5Hoofdweg
11.22 kmJan Wijsmullerdreef 10 (AMS15)Jan Wijsmullerdreef 10
11.22 kmJan Wijsmullerdreef 4 (AMS16)Jan Wijsmullerdreef 4
11.25 kmEurofiber Amsterdam Data CenterParellaan 9
11.47 kmSilverFalcon WestpoortPlimsollweg 3


Data Center Operator at
Hivelocity - Amsterdam 1
J.W. Lucasweg 35
Site Code: AMS1
Headquartered in Tampa, Florida