Data Center Map

Jan Wijsmullerdreef 4 (AMS16)

Digital Realty
Jan Wijsmullerdreef 4
2132 PW Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Visit Website
Digital Realty Logo

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

Located within a modern business park in an outstanding location just 25 minutes from Amsterdam city centre, Digital de President Amsterdam provides 6,564 square meters 70,654 sq. ft.) of net technical space together with 417 square meters (4,489 sq. ft.) of ancillary space including dedicated store rooms. The facility offers a truly customised solution in terms of space and levels of resilience with flexible models that enable customers to draw down space on an ad hoc basis. The facility provides maximum product flexibility with state of the art power, cooling and system redundancy. It is connected to all the major fibre networks in Amsterdam providing access to Tier 1 and Tier 2 global network providers, internet peering exchanges, internet service providers (ISPs) and Pan European Networks connecting to Digital Realty's entire EU portfolio.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Jan Wijsmullerdreef 4 (AMS16), other data centers in Amsterdam or operated by Digital Realty, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Jan Wijsmullerdreef 4.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0 kmJan Wijsmullerdreef 10 (AMS15)Jan Wijsmullerdreef 10
0.47 kmEurofiber Amsterdam Data CenterParellaan 9
3.37 kmSwitch Datacenters AMS6Aalsmeerderweg
3.99 kmSwitch Datacenters AMS5Hoofdweg
4.51 kmNTT Amsterdam 1Aviolanda 1
4.57 kmCloudHQ AMS1Aviolanda
4.63 kmPudongweg 25 (AMS10)Pudongweg 25
4.63 kmPudongweg 37 (AMS8)Pudongweg 37
5.12 kmSchuberg Philis Data CenterBoeing Avenue 271
5.15 kmTupolevlaan 101 (AMS5)Tupolevlaan 101

Digital Realty

Digital Realty

Data Center Operator at
Jan Wijsmullerdreef 4 (AMS16)
Jan Wijsmullerdreef 4
Site Code: AMS16
Headquartered in San Francisco, California