World-class Data Centres that deliver consistently, always on....
Highly resilient Data Centres catering for 99.995% availability, we provide a world-class environment to host your mission critical applications. We have the largest number of qualified Data Centre specialists in Africa, allowing us to manage your Data Centre with proficiency. Additionally, we have consulting expertise to design, build and commission new Data Centres, or upgrade existing facilities.
Service components include:
Floor Space, Power, Cooling, Security, Fire Protection, Building Management Systems,
Consulting Services
We have the largest market share of Data Centre services in South Africa and Business Connexion is the only South African company and IT Service Provider to own three Tier IV Data Centres.
Value proposition
* We provide the highest tiered certification for Data Centres.
* Highly secure
* Strictly adhering to ITIL process & procedures (ITIL3 level 4+)
* Largest number of qualified and certified Data Centre specialists in Africa
* Two certified Tier IV Data Centres functioning as one
, other data centers in Johannesburg or operated by Business Connexion (BCX), please try our
about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.