Data Center Map

Belgrade Data Centers

Below you will find locations of 10 data centers in Belgrade, Serbia.
To find other data center locations and colocation, cloud or connectivity providers in Serbia, please click here.
Detailed Listings
SBB Serbia BroadBand
SBB Telepark
SBB Serbia BroadBand
Bulevar Peka Dapčevića 19
11000 Belgrade
SerbiaSBB Serbia BroadBand
Please see the profile for further details about SBB Telepark.
OrionTelekom Datacenter
DataKing Cloud
Zemun Polje Mala pruga 8
11000 Belgrade
Our Data Center allows companies to securely store data in the state-of-the-art Tier3 Data Center of Orion Telekom, on the latest Data King cloud platform.
Bul. Vojvode Misica 37
10070 Belgrade
BEENET Data Center: Pioneering Modular Data Solutions. Discover the future of data management at BEENET Data, where we offer a state-of-the-art modular data center designed for unparalleled flexibility and efficiency.
Telekom Srbija Data Center
Telekom Srbija
Katiceva 14-18
11000 Belgrade
The only data center built in accordance with Tier 3/4 standards offering 2n+1 redundancy in Serbia.
CETIN Serbia - Belgrade Data Center
Omladinskih brigada 92
11000 Belgrade
SerbiaCETIN Group
CETIN Serbia's Belgrade Data Center represents a state-of-the-art facility providing a robust foundation for telecommunications services. As the only carrier-neutral data center in the region, it serves as a pivotal interconnection hub with a service availability of 99.9999%.
UGNI Data Center
Nehruova 82
11070 Belgrade
First professional data center in Serbia, carrier neutral, with redundant links to largest domestic telco operators and international connections
Yettel Serbia Data Center
Yettel Serbia
Omladinskih brigada 92
11070 Belgrade
Serbia, Serbia
The Telenor Data Center has designed and built for the future, and with its infrastructure and services it meets the most demanding needs of the IT industry
BeotelNet Data Center
37 Vovjode Misica Blvd
11000 Belgrade
VeratNet's Data Center is one of the most modern facilities of its kind in the country. It is projected according modern trends of ANSI-TIA standards for facilities of this kind, and is situated within the VeratNet’s commercial building in 37 Vojvode Misica Boulevard.
Akton Belgrade
Akton Communications
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6
11000 Belgrade
SerbiaAkton Communications
Please see the profile for further details about Akton Belgrade.
Netcast Data Center
Milentija Popovica 9
11070 Belgrade
Serbia, Serbia
Data center is built in 2013. One of the first Cisco certified data center Serbia.
Belgrade Data Center Insight
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