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3data V141 Data Center

Varshavskoye sh. 141c33
117405 Moscow
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Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers

Please visit the website of 3data for further details about 3data V141 Data Center.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in 3data V141 Data Center, other data centers in Moscow or operated by 3data, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Varshavskoye sh. 141c33.
DistanceData CenterAddress
1.87 kmAKADO Data CenterVarshavskoye Hwy, 133
2.91 kmIXcellerate Moscow Eight (MOS8)Ulitsa Podol'skikh Kursantov, 17
2.97 kmIXcellerate Moscow South DC CampusUlitsa Podol'skikh Kursantov, 15
3.03 kmIXcellerate Moscow Five (MOS5)Ulitsa Podol'skikh Kursantov, 15B
3.06 kmIXcellerate Moscow Seven (MOS7)Ulitsa Podol'skikh Kursantov, 15B
3.06 kmAtomdata Moscow-2 Data CenterDorozhnaya Ulitsa, 9с1
3.09 kmIXcellerate Moscow Six (MOS6)Ulitsa Podol'skikh Kursantov, 15B
4.15 kmTrustInfo Data CenterVarshavskoye Hwy, 125c16
4.51 kmStack.M1Varshavskoe highway 125 building 1
8.04 km3data B17 Data Centerul. Butlerova, 17B


Data Center Operator at
3data V141 Data Center
Varshavskoye sh. 141c33
Headquartered in Moscow, Russia