Data Center Map

Romania Data Centers

We currently have 45 data centers listed, from 10 markets in Romania (Romania). Click on a market below, to explore its data center locations.

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MarketData Centers
Cluj Napoca5
Drobeta Turnu Severin1
Total Data Centers:45
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- Eastern Europe Data Centers
Romania Data Center Market
Romania facts from the CIA World Factbook:
Southeastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Ukraine

Natural hazards:
earthquakes, most severe in south and southwest; geologic structure and climate promote landslides

general assessment: Romania’s telecom market has undergone several significant changes in recent years; the mobile market is served by network operators that have extensive LTE networks in place, while services based on 5G have been offered under their existing spectrum concessions since 2019; the delayed multi-spectrum auction, expected to be completed later in 2021, will enable the operators to expand 5G network capacity and enable consumers to make far greater use of the technology’s potential; in line with legislation passed in July 2021 the MNOs will have to replace equipment provided by vendors deemed to be a security risk (2021)
domestic: fixed-line teledensity is 13 telephones per 100 persons; mobile-cellular teledensity is119 telephones per 100 persons (2021)
international: country code - 40; landing point for the Diamond Link Global submarine cable linking Romania with Georgia; satellite earth stations - 10; digital, international, direct-dial exchanges operate in Bucharest (2019)
Romania Quotes
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