The rise of Internet, Intranet and Web-based technologies has made the data center more strategic than ever, improving productivity, enhancing business processes, and accelerating change. Data centers are the strategic focus of IT efforts to protect optimize and grow the business. PTCL’s Data Center offers strategies that enable your business to respond to industry trends and prepare for the future which reduces the total cost of ownership by introducing a new and innovative architecture.
PTCL Tier 3+ Data Centers helps you to virtualize system, storage, and network resources to reduce the number of systems you need to manage, while increasing asset utilization. Our Data Center solution allows businesses to protect critical applications and confidential data, enhance data center operational efficiencies, and rapidly create new secure application environments to support new business processes.
PTCL Data Centers is an ideal choice for companies who want the flexibility to relocate their Primary, DR and BCS sites and choose from variety of services as their business demands.
about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.