Data Center Map
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According to our data, this data center is currently listed as: Planned

Green Mountain Kalberg

Green Mountain Data Center
within a 20 minute drive from Sola International Airport
4351 Kleppe

The exact location of this data center is not public,
but it is located within a 20 minute drive from Sola International Airport
Visit Website
Green Mountain Data Center Logo

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

Green Mountain's Kalberg data center is envisioned as a state-of-the-art facility, leveraging Norway's abundant renewable energy resources to provide sustainable and efficient data services. With a commitment to 100% renewable hydropower and advanced cooling technologies, this data center aims to set new standards in environmental responsibility while ensuring top-tier security and reliability for its clients. The strategic location near key electrical infrastructure underscores its potential to become a pivotal hub for green technology and innovation.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Green Mountain Kalberg, other data centers in Stavanger or operated by Green Mountain Data Center, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
DistanceData CenterAddress
2.3 kmGreen Horizon VidarPlogfabrikkvegen 8
2.51 kmGreen Horizon Heimdal - Building 1Orstadvegen 140
2.58 kmGreen Horizon Heimdal - Building 2Orstadvegen 140
2.65 kmGreen Horizon Heimdal CampusOrstadvegen 140/162
2.69 kmGreen Horizon Heimdal - Building 3Orstadvegen 162
2.74 kmGreen Horizon Heimdal - Building 4Orstadvegen 162
10.4 kmGreen Horizon OdinVikvegen
11.56 kmGlobalConnect Forus StavangerVestre Svanholmen 14
16.5 kmGreen Horizon Tor - Building 1Næringsvegen 20
16.52 kmGreen Horizon Tor CampusNæringsvegen 20
Green Mountain Data Center

Green Mountain Data Center

Data Center Operator at
Green Mountain Kalberg
Headquartered in Rennesoy, Norway