Data Center Map

North America Data Centers

We currently have 3796 data centers listed, from 3 countries in North America. Click on a country below, to explore its data center locations.

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Total Data Centers:3796
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North America Data Center Market
North America is as everyone knows very well developed and therefore of course has a very wide selection of colo facilities and data center service providers. Finding potential suppliers of services such as colocation dedicated servers, managed hosting, IP transit,, cloud servers etc. is therefore not hard, but due to the very large number of suppliers available it can be very hard to filter out the most relevant companies. Data Center Maps search and filtering functions can make this process easier, assisting in the process of finding providers who are a match for your needs and requirements.

In addition to this, we also provide a free quote service where you can request impartial quotes from suppliers we cooperate with for data center services in North America.

The primary data center markets in North America are located in the US, in key areas such as New York/Virginia for the East Coast, Los Angeles/San Francisco/Seattle for the West Coast and Dallas/Miami in south/central and Chicago plus Toronto in Canada for north/central.
North America Quotes
Do you need to procure colocation, cloud, connectivity or other data center services in North America or other locations?
We can help you navigate the market, through our many years of experience and deep relationships with providers.
Please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation on your data center requirements!