Data Center Map

Equinix MX2

Parque Tecnologico Innovacion - Lte 80
76246 El Marques
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Equinix MX2 data centre is strategically located in the largest growth market in Mexico, safe from flooding and seismic zones. MX2 provides seamless connectivity to top cloud service providers via Equinix Fabric™ and obtain direct access to the Mexico City Internet Exchange.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Equinix MX2, other data centers in Mexico City or operated by Equinix, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Parque Tecnologico Innovacion - Lte 80.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.1 kmEquinix MX1Parque Tecnologico Innovacion - Lte 79
2.32 kmKIO Queretaro 1Cerrada de la Princesa 4
3.86 kmODATA QR03Carretera Estatal 431 - Los Cues km.5.8
8.78 kmAmazon AWS QRO - ProductividadCalle Productividad
8.8 kmODATA QR01Carretera Queretaro San Luis Potosi, Av. La Montaña 100
12.23 kmKIO Queretaro 2Cerrada de la Princesa
12.43 kmAscenty - Queretaro MEX1Camino a Nativitas 800
13.76 kmTriara QueretaroEpigmenio González 2
15.1 kmAscenty- Queretaro MEX2Carretera Estatal 100
15.12 kmCloudHQ QRO1Carretera Estatal No.100, El Colorado-Higuerillas


Data Center Operator at
Equinix MX2
Parque Tecnologico Innovacion - Lte 80
Site Code: MX2
Headquartered in Redwood City, California