Data Center Map
This data center may not be available

According to our data, this data center is currently listed as: Planned

Cloudoon Masinga 101

within the Seven Forks dams, near the Kamburu Power Station and Kamburu Dam
90100 Machakos

The exact location of this data center is not public,
but it is located within the Seven Forks dams, near the Kamburu Power Station and Kamburu Dam
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The Cloudoon Masinga 101 Data Center is a groundbreaking facility located along the Seven Forks dams in Kenya. It represents a significant advancement in the cloud ecosystem in Africa, being the largest green data center on the continent. This innovative center utilizes hydroelectric power to achieve sustainable energy use.

With over 10 MW of installed IT load and 200,000 square feet of raised floor space, the data center is equipped to handle a substantial capacity. It can accommodate more than 2,500 racks and includes office space, catering to a variety of business needs.

The design of the data center focuses on sustainability, featuring water cooling under gravity to minimize environmental impact. Its strategic location ensures low latency services for the Eastern Africa region, establishing it as a key digital services hub. Cloudoon's dedication to reducing the cost of colocation and data center facilities is evident, aiming to maintain a reliable online presence for developers and businesses across the region.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Cloudoon Masinga 101, other data centers in Nairobi or operated by Cloudoon, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
DistanceData CenterAddress
70.46 kmSafaricom Thika Data CentreKenyatta Highway
100.83 kmSafaricom Arena Data CentreArena Dr
106.35 kmiXAfrica NBOX1Mombasa Rd
108.26 kmNBO1 Nairobi Data CentreMombasa Road, Sameer Industrial Park
108.27 kmKenoobi Data CenterSenteu Plaza, Galana Rd
109.75 kmMTN Nairobi Data CentreKwa Reuben, Parkside Towers, Mombasa Road
111.77 kmPAIX NairobiBritam Tower, Hospital Rd
111.97 kmTelkom NairobiRalph Bunche Rd
116.73 kmSafaricom Limuru Data CentreLimuru Rd
120.73 kmLangata S Road (NBO1)Langata S Road at LRC Road


Data Center Operator at
Cloudoon Masinga 101
Site Code: MAS101
Headquartered in Middletown, Delaware