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ULN-IX - Ulyanovsk Internet Exchange
The Ulyanovsk Internet Exchange (ULN-IX) is a neutral Internet Exchange Point (IXP) located in Ulyanovsk, Russia. It facilitates efficient and cost-effective peering between independent networks, enhancing connectivity and reducing latency for its members.
Company ProfileVisit Website Overview
The Ulyanovsk Internet Exchange (ULN-IX) is a neutral Internet Exchange Point (IXP) located in Ulyanovsk, Russia. It facilitates efficient and cost-effective peering between independent networks, enhancing connectivity and reducing latency for its members. ULN-IX supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connections and offers various port types, including Gigabit Ethernet and 10-Gigabit Ethernet. The exchange is home to multiple ISPs and DNS services, contributing to a robust and resilient internet infrastructure in the region.
Location: Ulyanovsk, Russia
Unfortunately exact data center locations are unknown, for this internet exchange point
ULN-IX Details
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