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Thinx IX - Thinx Internet Exchange

Thinx IX is a platform for exchanging IP traffic, dedicated to national and international entities.
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Atman sp. z o.o.

Cloud Connect

Traffic: 1 Tb/s

Number of members: More than 150

Types of members: Telecommunications operators, ISPs, cable
operators, social networks, content and
gaming providers, financial institutions,
hosting providers

Content (main): Akamai, Allegro, Artnet, Canal+, CDN77,
CloudFlare, EdgeCast, Evio, GOG, Google
Cache (np. YouTube), Meta (Facebook) ,
Microsoft, Netflix, OVH Cloud, Redge
Technologies, TikTok (ByteDance), TVP,
Twitch, Valve (Steam).

Main access node:
Thinx Warszawa, Centrum Danych Atman WAW-2
(Konstruktorska 5)

Equal access nodes: Warszawa LIM / Equinix, WA1 Katowice 4DC Quicktel, Poznań Beyond DC1 DC2, Warszawa Atman WAW-1
Other Polish access nodes: Białystok, Gdańsk, Gliwice, Katowice, Kraków, Lublin, Łódź, Poznań, Szczecin, Wrocław i in.

Polish IXs: Equinix (PLIX)
International IXs: DE-CIX, Giganet

1. Open peering:
• Free of charge peering with all the Thinx IX members
• Free of charge IP transit to most networks present
in Equinix Warsaw (prev. PLIX)

2. Peering global:
• IP transit to all international networks present in DE-CIX, Giganet
• Possibility of establishing an open port and charging based on the 95th percentile

3. Transit global:
• IP transit to all international networks of Tier 1 operators: Tata Communications, Arelion (prev. Telia Company)
as well as members of DE-CIX, Giganet
• Use of the Atman network international links, presently N x 10 Gbps
• Possibility of establishing an open port and charging based on the 95th percentile

4. Transit Tier 1:
• IP transit to selected international networks Tata
Communications, Arelion (prev. Telia Company)

5. Transit Orange
• IP transit to the Orange Poland Internet network

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Location: Warsaw, Poland

Data Centers (1)
by Atman sp. z o.o.

Peering Data

Our data relating to internet exchanges is sourced from internet exchange operators, network operators, data center operators, PeeringDB and manual research. To dive deeper in to peering data, we highly recommend checking out PeeringDB.