Data Centers (0)
SOX-DOO - Serbian Open eXchange d.o.o.
See profile for Serbian Open eXchange d.o.o.
Company ProfileVisit Website Overview
SOX is:
- primarily B2B platform, intended for Internet companies, mobile and fixed operators, Telco operators, content providers, gaming companies, wide public, expert and scientific community,
- an Internet eXchange platform, its open rules, transparent procedures, enables high-capacity backbone for Serbian, regional and International entities
- an open technological and business platform for interconnection and cooperation among Telco/Internet operators and content providers,
- an IXP (Internet Exchange Point), build upon best experiences and with help of biggest European and world-wide IXPs LINX, DE-CIX, AMSIX.
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Unfortunately exact data center locations are unknown, for this internet exchange point
SOX-DOO Details
Operated by: