Data Center Map

SOX-DOO - Serbian Open eXchange d.o.o.

See profile for Serbian Open eXchange d.o.o.
Company ProfileVisit Website


SOX is:

  • primarily B2B platform, intended for Internet companies, mobile and fixed operators, Telco operators, content providers, gaming companies, wide public, expert and scientific community,

  • an Internet eXchange platform, its open rules, transparent procedures, enables high-capacity backbone for Serbian, regional and International entities

  • an open technological and business platform for interconnection and cooperation among Telco/Internet operators and content providers,

  • an IXP (Internet Exchange Point), build upon best experiences and with help of biggest European and world-wide IXPs LINX, DE-CIX, AMSIX.

Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Data Centers (0)
Unfortunately exact data center locations are unknown, for this internet exchange point

Peering Data

Our data relating to internet exchanges is sourced from internet exchange operators, network operators, data center operators, PeeringDB and manual research. To dive deeper in to peering data, we highly recommend checking out PeeringDB.