Data Centers (1)
NAPAfrica is a neutral, layer 2 Internet eXchange (IX) point, located within each Teraco data centre facility in South Africa. Instead of costly multiple direct links, a single peering point allows multiple networks to interconnect using an exchange environment.
In today's broadband market of exploding traffic volumes, network and content providers peer to exchange their traffic in order to achieve:
- reduced costs in local bandwidth;
- reduced latency with simplified routing and
- direct interconnects;
- improved performance by bypassing potential
- traffic bottlenecks;
- increased resilience by offering convenient
- multiple network connection options;
Connectivity and content requirement options within Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world are growing. Network and Content Providers are reaping the benefits of colocating within neutral data centres which offer access to exchanges where traffic can be exchanged easily and for free. Vendor neutral locations throughout the world have become popular interconnected locations for exchange points such as AMS-IX, LINX and JPNAP for this precise reason.
In today's broadband market of exploding traffic volumes, network and content providers peer to exchange their traffic in order to achieve:
- reduced costs in local bandwidth;
- reduced latency with simplified routing and
- direct interconnects;
- improved performance by bypassing potential
- traffic bottlenecks;
- increased resilience by offering convenient
- multiple network connection options;
Connectivity and content requirement options within Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world are growing. Network and Content Providers are reaping the benefits of colocating within neutral data centres which offer access to exchanges where traffic can be exchanged easily and for free. Vendor neutral locations throughout the world have become popular interconnected locations for exchange points such as AMS-IX, LINX and JPNAP for this precise reason.
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
by Teraco
NAPA-JB1 Details
Operated by:
NAPA-JB1 Links