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IX42 LAS - Internet eXchange 42 Las Vegas
Internet eXchange 42 Las Vegas (IX42 LAS) is a strategic peering point located in Las Vegas, Nevada. It facilitates efficient and cost-effective interconnection between various network operators, content providers, and enterprises.
Company ProfileVisit Website Overview
Internet eXchange 42 Las Vegas (IX42 LAS) is a strategic peering point located in Las Vegas, Nevada. It facilitates efficient and cost-effective interconnection between various network operators, content providers, and enterprises. IX42 LAS supports peering via tunnels, including VXLAN (up to 1Gbps) and Zerotier, due to current limitations in switch colocation. This exchange point is part of the broader IX42 network, which aims to enhance connectivity and performance for its members.
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Unfortunately exact data center locations are unknown, for this internet exchange point
IX42 LAS Details
Operated by: