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Giganet IXN Odesa - GigaNET Odesa local exchange
GigaNET Odesa local exchange is a premier Internet Exchange Point (IXP) located in Odesa, Ukraine. It facilitates efficient and high-speed traffic exchange among its members, which include ISPs, content providers, and other network operators.
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GigaNET Odesa local exchange is a premier Internet Exchange Point (IXP) located in Odesa, Ukraine. It facilitates efficient and high-speed traffic exchange among its members, which include ISPs, content providers, and other network operators. By connecting to GigaNET Odesa, members benefit from reduced latency, improved network performance, and cost-effective peering solutions. The exchange supports both IPv4 and IPv6, ensuring compatibility with modern network standards. With a focus on reliability and performance, GigaNET Odesa is a key player in the regional internet infrastructure.
Location: Odessa, Ukraine
Unfortunately exact data center locations are unknown, for this internet exchange point
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