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DE-CIX Richmond - DE-CIX Richmond

DE-CIX Richmond is a significant interconnection hub located in Richmond, Virginia. This hub serves as a network convergence point and a burgeoning interconnection hub in North America.
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DE-CIX Richmond is a significant interconnection hub located in Richmond, Virginia. This hub serves as a network convergence point and a burgeoning interconnection hub in North America. The nearby Virginia Beach is a major site for subsea cable landings, enabling networks to transmit data capacity north, south, and west.

DE-CIX Richmond provides customers with a state-of-the-art platform offering additional capacity, redundancy, scalability, and enhanced services, improving connectivity capabilities in the market. Beyond peering, the services in Richmond include private interconnection and DirectCLOUD with access to leading cloud providers. DE-CIX Richmond is OIX-1 certified and leverages the market’s existing IX, the RVA-IX | Richmond Virginia Internet Exchange.

Location: Richmond, USA

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