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AMR-IX - Amaravati Internet Exchange
Amaravati IX (AMR-IX) is a community-driven, not-for-profit Internet Exchange Point (IXP) based in Amaravati, India. It operates as a neutral facility, allowing Internet Service Providers (ISPs), content providers, and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to interconnect and exchange traffic.
Company ProfileVisit Website Overview
Amaravati IX (AMR-IX) is a community-driven, not-for-profit Internet Exchange Point (IXP) based in Amaravati, India. It operates as a neutral facility, allowing Internet Service Providers (ISPs), content providers, and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to interconnect and exchange traffic. The primary goal of AMR-IX is to enhance network performance and reduce costs by keeping domestic traffic local, thereby saving on expensive IP transit.
AMR-IX offers a robust and open peering platform, promoting efficient packet exchange between different networks. This helps improve routing efficiency, network stability, and reduces latency for its members. Membership is open to any organization with an Autonomous System (AS) number and IP space, and there are no port fees.
AMR-IX offers a robust and open peering platform, promoting efficient packet exchange between different networks. This helps improve routing efficiency, network stability, and reduces latency for its members. Membership is open to any organization with an Autonomous System (AS) number and IP space, and there are no port fees.
Location: Amaravati, India
Unfortunately exact data center locations are unknown, for this internet exchange point
AMR-IX Details
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