Data Center Map

Mitrakom Data Center (MDC) Ambon

PT. Tangara Mitrakom
Jl. Laksdya Wattimena
97232 Ambon
Passo, Indonesia
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Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Bare Metal Servers


Metro Ethernet is a primarily fiber optic based network infrastructure that provides a stable and streamlined platform for an ever-expanding range of new revenue streams. Metro Ethernet is a very cost effective and high performance service faster than current broadband services and is much in demand by business customers


VPN (virtual private network) provides customers who arein need of extending its geographic connectivity, improve security, and reduce operational costs in comparison with traditional means of network connection. VPN IP is an all-in-one integrated IP solution. Designed to facilitate the integration of a broadband connection with a business network, the plug-and-play integrates both standards-based security as well as essential performance enhancement technology, to provide a true broadband experience.

Global Connectivity

Ethernet International Private Line (EIPL) is a data service providing international private connection among metropolitan cities in Asia,US and Europe. It offers dedicated and protected bandwidth with high degree of network transparency for customer to have high quality and full control of Ethernet WAN (Wide Area Network) connection between their offices LAN (Local Area Network) in different cities aboard.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Mitrakom Data Center (MDC) Ambon, other data centers in Ambon or operated by PT. Tangara Mitrakom, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Jl. Laksdya Wattimena.
DistanceData CenterAddress
681.05 kmneuCentrIX ManadoJl. Wiratama No. 2
711.2 kmMitrakom Data Center (MDC) ManokwariJl. Arfai, Kel. Andai, Distrik Manokwari
891.3 kmMitrakom Data Center (MDC) KupangJl. Fetor Foenay No. 8
993.92 kmIDC MakassarMenara Bosowa, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 5
994.27 kmneuCentrIX MakassarJl. Pajonga Dg. Ngalle No.4
1022.11 kmArea9 Data Center20 Catterthun St
1023.61 kmDXN - Secure Data Centre27 Harvey St
1023.82 kmNEXTDC - D1 Darwin2 Harvey Street
1026.39 kmDCI Darwin 01Darwin Technology Park
1226.33 kmSTT Davao DC 1Gen. Douglas MacArthur Hwy, Talomo

PT. Tangara Mitrakom

Data Center Operator at
Mitrakom Data Center (MDC) Ambon
Jl. Laksdya Wattimena
Headquartered in Jakarta, jkt