Data Center Map

PlusServer Düsseldorf

PlusServer GmbH
In der Steele 43
40599 Düsseldorf
NRW, Germany
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Company Profile MESH GmbH

The Company MESH GmbH
MESH, headquartered in Dusseldorf, is an independent, Internet Infrastructure service provider for medium and large companies in Europe. We stand for over ten years of experience in Internet Infrastructure and a passion for online ecosystems. We transmit sophisticated business models and technologies into simple solutions that support our customers to grow.
We provide businesses solutions that have been reserved in the past to major enterprises due to capital intensity and complexity. For our customers, we develop individually fitting, future-proof and high quality IT infrastructures and services according to a “Solution as a Service” approach.

The MESH Added Value
As specialist for internet technology we understand the complexity of the requirements and requests of our customers. Nevertheless, our solution designs are made for human beings.
It is not the human being that has to adapt to technology on the contrary, we believe that the IT systems should comply with the individual requirements of our customer.
We call this user centric approach “Internet Humanology”. It is our self-conception and the MESH added value to make solutions easy.

What’s our unique value proposition?
Our vendor-neutral range of services includes scalable and secure solutions and infrastructures for IP Services, Colocation and proprietary Cloud Computing (IaaS). Our network backbone offers our customers redundancy, security and control:
• IP Services: The MESH premium IP Services are based on a mix of Tier-1 Carriers and the multi-redundant MESH Backbone. As a policy we reserve 100% burst capacity above our average aggregated IP utilization in reserve. Our premium IP Services include managed services such as Bandwidth, Ethernet Private Lines, Wavelength, Dark Fiber and Content Deliver Network (CDN), VLAN and Network Monitoring and Network Security.
• Colocation: MESH Colocation Services provide appropriate housing of IT equipment with the possibility of high availability, business continuity and data security for our customers. MESH manages companies’ outsourced data center infrastructure in ISO and PCI certified data centers all over Europe, ensuring 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, cost-effective support as well as professional management and on-site remote services.
• Cloud Computing: The Private and community Hybrid Cloud Computing solutions have been developed by MESH and are housed in highly secure Tier 3 data centers that are located in Germany. MESH Cloud solutions fulfill enterprise grade standards for medium-sized businesses. In addition, our Infrastructure as a Service is always aligned with latest security standards via TÜV-certified data protection measures.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) of 99,999 per cent as well as other kind of outsourcing and Managed Services complement our range of services. We are dedicated to deliver the highest standard for data security and data protection that is available on the German market.
Flexibility, transparency and customer orientation are our company’s DNA service, quality and security are our top priority. This is our way to guarantee our customers a secure and future-proof Internet business strategy.

This data center has timeline events listed. Typically events are related to M&A history, rebranding, capacity expansions etc.
2014 - M&A - MESH Düsseldorf
Company name: MESH GmbH
On July 31, 2014, PlusServer AG acquired 100% of MESH GmbH
Part of Connecta Park, no. 43

This profile is a sublisting to the building listing Connecta Park, no. 43.
- Click here to view the profile for Connecta Park, no. 43

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in PlusServer Düsseldorf, other data centers in Düsseldorf or operated by PlusServer GmbH, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
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PlusServer GmbH

Data Center Operator at
PlusServer Düsseldorf
In der Steele 43
Site Code: DUS6
Headquartered in Cologne, Germany