Data Center Map

UltraEdge Netcenter Val-de-Reuil

9200 Voie des Clouets
27100 Val-de-Reuil
Visit Website
UltraEdge Logo

Remote Hands

Please visit the website of UltraEdge for further details about UltraEdge Netcenter Val-de-Reuil.

This data center has timeline events listed. Typically events are related to M&A history, rebranding, capacity expansions etc.
2023 - M&A - SFR Netcenter Val-de-Reuil
Company name: SFR
In the year 2023, the data center operations of SFR were integrated into UltraEdge, a fresh colocation entity under the ownership of Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners, following the divestment of shares by Altice France.
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in UltraEdge Netcenter Val-de-Reuil, other data centers in Rouen or operated by UltraEdge, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 9200 Voie des Clouets.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.39 kmAltitude Center9200 Voie des Clouets
1.33 kmOrange DC Normandie 2Route de la Lisiere
1.66 kmOrange DC Normandie7 Voie de l'Orée
3.49 kmNDC NormandieVoie Marmaille & Chaussee de Léry
18.3 kmWebaxys DC1 - Rouen355 rue Victor Hugo
20.92 kmCogent Data Center - Rouen20 rue Alexandre Barrabé
57.95 kmThésée Data Center 132 Rue du Clos Reine
66.81 kmWebaxys DC2 - Le HavreParc Éco Normandie, Rue Roland Moreno
73.37 kmOpCore Paris DC525 rue de l’Eguillette
77.77 kmDataXion Trappes16 av Jean d'Alembert


Data Center Operator at
UltraEdge Netcenter Val-de-Reuil
9200 Voie des Clouets
Headquartered in Paris, France