DataCenter.BZ provides carrier-neutral, ultra-high power density data center and metro-area dark fiber solutions from its wholly-owned headquarters facility in Columbus, Ohio. DataCenter.BZ’s operations are backed by SAS70 Type II certification, offer HIPAA, PCI and SOX-compliant solutions, are extremely energy efficient and cost effective, and meet or exceed all industry-established Tier IV data center standards making DataCenter.BZ the only carrier-neutral data center of its kind in the state of Ohio.
DataCenter.BZ provides enterprise-grade data center and telecom solutions, including high-density colocation, virtualization and cloud resources, metro-area dark fiber, Virtual Datacenters and SANs, and related disaster recovery solutions including an onsite 150-seat Hot Site. DataCenter.BZ’s customer base comprises a variety of regional, national and international customers, including major telecommunications network carriers, government entities, healthcare systems and numerous Fortune 1000 companies.
For more information, please visit or contact us at or 614-515-5880.