Data Center Map

Tinext offers Cloud Computing services, Hosting and Fully Managed Applications through its own dedicated T3+ datacenter facilities in Morbio Inferiore, Switzerland.

Dedicated fiber links give customers the additional option of off-site mirroring and replication at our secondary datacenter in Lugano. We provide our customners with fully-accountable IT services: from design and delivery to ongoing provisioning and support.

A facility with 20 years' experience working with international banking institutions
400 m2 raised flooring with anti-static tiles:

Tier III topology - guaranteed continuity during DC maintenance
Air conditioner system with N+1 redundancy
Independent power distribution grid for ICT systems
UPS (N topology) on each electrical power distribution line
Proprietary generator and transformer (100% dedicated to DC)
Redundant fibre optic link connected to main communication channels
Electronic multi-level security access

A complete answer to online business challenges

For Web Development and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) projects, Tinext delivers a comprehensive, start-to-finish service. Our expertise covers consultancy and system design, development and integration, through to the ongoing support and maintenance of a working solution.Customers are free to select individual services à la carte, combining them with other agencies and their own in-house resources. Even here, the breadth of Tinext's instant, on-tap talent is often invaluable in ensuring the smooth running of our projects.

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Headquartered in Morbio Inferiore, Ticino

Colocation Provider
Cloud Provider