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The Chaos Group of Canada

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The Chaos Group of Canada provides highly secure, available and scalable data center facilities for customers looking to reduce the risk and cost of an in-house environment. In-house facilities for your IT equipment can be expensive both to build, maintain and expand.

Our Data Center is conveniently located near the QEW and 427, which means easy access, but less of the traffic and congestion associated with downtown Toronto. It also means that you won’t have your business held ransom by a transit disruption, marathon, parade or political summit like we have seen too many times.
Surveillance & Rouge Wireless

The Chaos Group of Canada relies on digital video surveillance throughout the entire building including the data center. All visitors to the data center must be escorted by a member of the The Chaos Group of Canada team or utilize electronic key cards.

Network & Wireless monitoring assets are in place and proactively watch for unusual and unwanted network and wireless traffic activities and spikes that could potentially impact your services

The Chaos Group of Canada’s Security Intelligence Center (SIC) is staffed 24×7 by security experts and analysts, located onsite at our datacenter. Our security information and event management (SIEM) system aggregates and correlates data from security feeds such as network discovery, vulnerability assessment and intrusion detection systems, creating a “single pane of glass” for our security experts to monitor and protect your enterprise.

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The Chaos Group of Canada

Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario

Colocation Provider