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Solar Communications

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Solar Communications - a rapidly growing hosting business located in Switzerland.
We introduce an outstanding platform where only innovative, high-end equipment is capable to become a reliable foundation for the modern IT related business.

We provide:
Dedicated servers;
Cloud hosting;
Object storage S3;
Dedicated VPN;
DDoS protection;

Solar Communications Data Center is located in Zurich, Switzerland. The Data Center's infrastructure is connected to the top IP-Transit suppliers, allowing us to offer our clients minimal data transmission latency in Europe, Asia and America.

By choosing the stable financial system of Switzerland, you practically invest in a strong, solid, well working IT business.

We offer enterprise class solutions for any IT business demand, along with a private, confidential, and professional manner of customer service. No matter whether you have a small e-commerce startup or lead a really big business, we provide you with the best service because this is our goal.

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Solar Communications

Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland

Cloud Provider