Data Center Map

Our services extend from basic colocation services to advances managed services covering all aspects form high computing to storage. As many existing colocations are designed for standard data center business practices with 7-10 kW per rack they cannot accommodate for fast inrush of the 2N redundant with high power demand of 25-36 kW per rack. We can do both by utilizing our in-house patents which will allow for high power per rack, fast scalability and expandability.

The Colocation Data Center construction is based on our advanced and proprietary patent pending products and designs utilizing a 2N+2 expandable to 3N+2 infrastructure. (1N = one path of power to the servers, 2N = two redundant paths of power to the servers, 3N+2 = three paths or power to the servers with each path is redundant on its own with another two paths of power).

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Headquartered in Vilhelmina, Sweden

Colocation Provider