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1 - Netrics - unlock your digital future
The inevitable and rapidly advancing digitalization has long since become a reality and is a signifi-cant influence on the way we live and work. The digital transformation is not driven by new technologies alone, but always revolves around people at its core. Experience is moving increasingly into the spotlight and has become the key factor for success. Digitalization is undoubtedly the logical consequence of a fundamental change in society. This results in a variety of challenges for compa-nies. The future belongs to those with the ability to master them.

Netrics is your partner for telecommunications, networks and data centers, the basic infrastructure for all activities in the ICT sector. Modern workspace, cloud transformation, communication are already the driving functionalities and applications that successfully align the business. Netrics gener-ates great experiences for employees and customers by using innovative technologies in a targeted way, whilst taking the human aspect into account.

Netrics' solutions enable you to work in a modern, efficient and secure way at any time and any place. With their extensive range of services, these infrastructures can be ideally combined with public and private clouds to create hybrid scenarios, depending on your needs. In addition to our own highly secure ISO-certified data centers in Basel Münchenstein, Biel and Zurich, Glattbrugg, this includes a modern fiberoptic network for optimum connection between your sites or a high-performance connection to the cloud.

The Netrics Group, with around 100 experts at its sites in Zürich, Basel and Biel, will support you on your way to a digital future with a standardized and simple procedure.

2 - Datacentre & Co-Location Services
- Most modern server hotels in Switzerland
- 100% availability, "Zero Downtime''
- Top infrastructure in terms of network, communications (glass), energy, Carrier-
neutral fiber optic backbone connected to the world.
- Top placed in traffic and public transport.
- Power density scalable in the rapid growth of data, this has an imported impact
- Highest security and availability, redundancy in all energy and communications
- Outstanding energy efficiency, not only environmentally, also as a cost driver
- Sustainability through energy efficiency, green power mix and waste heat recycling
- Data center with highest flexibility in terms of functionalities, power densities,
reserves and security

3 - Datacenter USPs
The combination of high co-location standards and the excellent networks, the nodes (POP) to the Internet and the modern cloud services the position of Datacube Datacenters is uniquely.

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Headquartered in Glattbrugg, ZH

Colocation Provider