Data Center Map

Master Internet, Ltd.

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Our company provides professional services in the field of Server Hosting, Housing, Dedicated Servers and provision of transit data services for more than 10 years by now. After having had success on the foreign market we take the liberty of offering our services to you as well.

The aim of our work is a satisfied customer. We pay maximum attention to our customers and we tackle his contingent problems in the shortest possible time interval. We treat our customers as our partners.

In consideration of customer needs even our spinal network has been shaped. As one of the the first hosting companies in the Czech Republic we have acquired our own autonomic system which enables us to backup and to spread out our connection to the Internet network.

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Master Internet, Ltd.

Headquartered in Brno, Czech Republic

Colocation Provider

Master Internet, Ltd. - Data Center Locations

2 data centers
2 markets

In total we have 2 data centers listed for Master Internet, Ltd.. We have 2 listings in our database that represent campuses or buildings with multiple data centers.