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To tackle those complex problems, Secretary of Defense McNamara recommended establishing an organization of specialists. Three weeks later, in October 1961, LMI was born. Since then, LMI has evolved, growing and building on its rich history of public service by bringing the best management and technical minds to address intricate issues across the federal government. As administrations, priorities, and policies have changed over the last 50 years, LMI’s mission has remained constant.

Our employees come from diverse backgrounds: government and defense, business and industry, and academia and research. More than half are either veterans or former civil servants, and more than 70 percent have advanced degrees. They work for LMI because they believe in our mission of improving the management of government.

Federal agencies value our not-for-profit status services in logistics, acquisition and financial management, infrastructure management, information management, organizational improvement, and policy and program support. We have comprehensive experience in the defense, intelligence, homeland security, health care, and energy and environment markets.

LMI also invests in a research program that brings additional rigor, precision, and predictability to government decision making. We encourage our employees to expand their expertise and use the results of their research to find new solutions to government’s greatest management challenges.

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Headquartered in McLean, Virginia