Data Center Map

LeapSwitch Networks Private Limited

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We have been in Business since 2006, starting off with selling shared Hosting and then slowly increasing our portfolio.

We operate from Pune, India where we have our own Data Center which has got state of the art facilities.

We also own colocation cabinets around the world, currently serving our customers from three continents with our servers spread over the North Americas, Europe and Asia. We cover eleven locations in the USA and six in Europe and two in Asia.

We are known to provide cost effective solutions to our customers and also for our super fast and efficient support.

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LeapSwitch Networks Private Limited

Headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra

LeapSwitch Networks Private Limited - Data Center Locations

2 data centers
2 markets

In total we have 2 data centers listed for LeapSwitch Networks Private Limited. We have 2 listings in our database that represent campuses or buildings with multiple data centers.

LeapSwitch Networks Private Limited Mergers & Acquisitions

We have alternative names in our database for one or more of the above data centers, which is typically due to M&A history or rebranding:
  • Stromonic
On the individual data center profiles, you can find notes on any M&A or rebranding activity we are aware of for the specific data center.