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Layered Technologies

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Layered Tech offers hosting infrastructure housed in data centers around the world. These locations provide world-class regional facilities for global customers.

These resources include several Tier 4 data centers. The most stringent level of the TIA Data Center Standard, Tier 4 is designed to host mission-critical computer systems, with fully redundant subsystems and compartmentalized security zones controlled by biometric access controls methods. Tier 4 data centers provide 99.995% availability.

The Layered Tech Tier 4 data centers share the following characteristics:

* Designed to sustain at least one worst-case unplanned event with no critical impact on services
* Buildings purpose-designed and built to house data centers
* Multiple layers of security to protect against physical intrusion
* Multiple active power and cooling distribution paths, including redundant components
* Multiple, diverse utility feeds from independent substations
* Multi-megawatt diesel generator backups
* Facility-wide fire suppression systems

Combining these world-class facilities with Layered Tech management and operations experience, provides unparalleled reliability and value for your critical applications.

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Layered Technologies

Headquartered in Plano, Texas

Colocation Provider