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Ids&Unitelm has been providing, since 1995, complete services of email Hosting, websites, application services and other cloud solutions for institutions, companies and associations. These services are provided through its Data Centers located at the offices of Rome and Messina with which I&U guarantees efficiency, security, continuity and complete geographic redundancy for the services provided.

Ids&Unitelm is a NIC accredited Registrar (for .it domain names with code GLAUCO-REG) and EURID (for .eu domains ) for the registration of national and European domain names; the Glauco Domain Registration Service of I&U also provides intermediation and consultancy services for the registration of international domain names (e.g. .com, .org, .info, .net, etc. domains) and/or based on extensions of specific nations, including non-European ones.

Ids&Unitelm also provides, at its Data Centers, complete housing and/or rack colocation services for the systems of its customers who intend to outsource their entire data centers and/or part of them.

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Headquartered in Padova, italy

Colocation Provider

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