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HZone data center offers services since 2009 and since 2015 operates on hes own datacenter right next to the offices to provide a faster remote hands services.

We offer a big range of services like shared hosting, vps, dedicated servers, full racks, 1u colocate, vpn services, backup services, storage services, management, web design and web solutions..etc

We made ower datacenter to be ECO with full of senzors outside and inside witch measure the tempreture and control the entire airflow cooling for low energy usage and to be ECO as much as posible. Ower systems purificate the aer, mix it with the right amound of cool air to give the best tempreture to the entire datacenter.

We got multiple connections from diffrent ISP providers, global tables for a fast routing and lowering the ping.

We do use profesional switches and routers like Cisco. UPS, Generator, 2 Energy Lines, Multiple 10GB Connections and Peers.

Our infrastructure is flexible and we can accomodate any of your hosting, from 1U to full rack.

Ready 24/7.

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Headquartered in Oradea, Romania