Data Center Map

Gigahost AS

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Colocation offered in 4 data centers where 3 are owned and 1 are as a tenant.
The data centers are spread accross 2 markets, in 2 countries.
Full Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Shared Rackspace
Remote Hands

Data CenterAddressMarket

Science Park 120 (AMS17)
Science Park 120The Netherlands Amsterdam
Gigahost DC3Søndre Kullerød 2Norway Sandefjord
Gigahost DC1Søndre Kullerød 2Norway Sandefjord
Gigahost DC2Søndre Kullerød 2Norway Sandefjord
Network services offered in 2 markets.

MarketData Centers
Norway Sandefjord
Norway Oslo
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Gigahost AS

Headquartered in Sandefjord, Norway

Colocation Provider
Internet Exchange Operator