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ExpertMarkets, Inc.

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ExpertMarkets’ on demand services provide our customers with high value and low risk service delivery. We combine the hardware, software and operational processes necessary to implement VOIP, CTI, Knowledge Management, Applications Hosting, and Workflow solutions into a unique subscription based service. This alleviates your burden of software maintenance, ever-greening, ongoing operation, and support, while providing a functionally rich managed service solution.

Benefits to our customers:

* Customer peace of mind – from our proactive 24x7x365 network monitoring.
* Single point of contact for all network issues.
* Single supplier instead of multiple vendors.
* Defined service levels (for service delivery).
* Transparent costs for management & fixed price contracts.
* Removal of costs to build management and reporting systems.
* Overall decreased total cost of ownership for client.

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ExpertMarkets, Inc.

Headquartered in San Francisco, California