EuroTransit is an International Carrier with headquarter in Hamburg Germany.
Our network connects 13 European Countries and we are constantly expanding. We offer: - IP-Transit von Fast Ethernet up to 10 Gig Ethernet - Colocation, starting from few Height Units up to complete Racks/Cages/Rooms - IP-Transport, point to point, point to multipoint and any to any connections.
We have peerings to all major access providers and over 500 private peerings at all major European Internet exchanges like AMSIX, DECIX, DIX, KLEYREX, LINX, PLIX and SWISSIX. Due to our low latency, our services are designated for business applications, live streams or game server.
Further information about us you will find at our webpage:
In total we have 9 data centers listed for EuroTransit GmbH, of which 0 are their own and 9 are operated by another data center operator. We have 9 listings in our database that represent campuses or buildings with multiple data centers.