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Dataspace sp z o.o.

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Data Space is a localization when you can get:
Colocation - Place your server or a group of servers in our TIER3-certified Data Center and be sure that your data is completely secure.
Dedicated servers - Choose from a wide range of Intel-based servers, with
trouble-free operation and DDoS protection.
IT administration - Benefit from our support in management of your IT
infrastructure and services.
Private cloud - Hardware, network and software (VMware, Proxmox or Hyper-V)
- delivered in one automated turnkey service.
Hybrid cloud - The best elements of public and private clouds. Use local and
external resources the way it makes sense for your business.
Cloud administration - Administration of resources in the cloud (AWS, Azure,
Google Cloud, DigitalOcean), by our experts in the field.

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Dataspace sp z o.o.

Headquartered in Torun, Kujawsko-Pomorskie

Colocation Provider

Dataspace sp z o.o. - Data Center Locations