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Data Center Specialists

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Data Center Specialists Malaysia (DCSM), is a company that have a team of Consultants and highly trained technicians dedicated to cleaning data centers, server rooms, telco’s and clean rooms. DCSM designs customized proposal for cleaning from ad hoc to bi annually, tri annually and quarterly. Apart from scheduled projects, DCSM is also on 24hours standby for any disaster recovery. We have proven track records of achieving the ISO 14644 M6.5 certification for data centers.

How can DCS be of service? Here’s our listings of services: (Malaysia & Singapore)
• Comprehensive Cleaning Maintenance
o Data Centers
o Cleanrooms
• Certification of ISO 14644 M6.5 for data centers
• Disaster Recovery
• Advise on the best clean up for your data centers
• Airborne particle counts for ISO certification
• Disaster Recovery
• Consulting on Environment, Cooling issues etc.
• Cable mining
• Sticky Mats
• Cable Hole Grommets (D’Brush)
• Glass door replacement
• Used equipment salvage/disposal

Our PRODUCTS (Global)
• Raised-floor Grommets
• Cold Air Containment
• Air Vent
• No Fire
• Sticky Mats
• Plenaform/Plenafill
• Socks Dispenser

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Data Center Specialists

Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur