MYCLOUD.NC is a main Cloud builder and provider services based in New-Caledonia.
Our company is working on ISO 27001 compliance process.
We design, make, deliver and manage for our customers :
- Modern entreprise Desktop with an powerfull Desktop As a Service (C3VIEW Services)
- Host and backups critical and non-critical IT workloads with our local Public Cloud (C3HOST Services)
- On-premise managed Cloud Services with our MicroDatacenters (C3DATA Service)
- Global and compliance ISO 20000 service Desk included calls-center, third party maintenance and production control continuity, assets-management, systems and networking engineering, advanced global governance process (C3DESK service)
- Mobile Multiservices Datacenters . migration of all on-premise workload to our Public Cloud without downtime. Design and deliver on-demand and suitable DRP warranty service. Provide an support to build a reals training and POC on dedicated physical and mobile Datacenter-based infrastructure (C3MOB service).
We make IT and project management integration for specific or general customer project based on our main competency and skills around : virtualization, storage, networking, systems, desktop and modern-desktop, security and risks-management, compliance, governance, migration, change-management, study and project management.
MYCLOUD.NC is thinking and building an dedicated and suitable Cloud services for all sizes and business company based in the specific Pacific Islands area and environment.