Data Center Map

City Hosting Sweden AB

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Co-location service in Stockholm.

City Hosting helps companies/institutions and individuals who want cost effective co-location services.

We can provide 1U up to multiple racks, flatrate internet connections are standard.

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City Hosting Sweden AB

Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden

Colocation Provider
Network Operator

City Hosting Sweden AB - Data Center Locations

2 data centers

In total we have 2 data centers listed for City Hosting Sweden AB. We have 2 listings in our database that represent campuses or buildings with multiple data centers.

City Hosting Sweden AB Mergers & Acquisitions

We have alternative names in our database for one or more of the above data centers, which is typically due to M&A history or rebranding:
  • Interoute
  • GTT Communications
On the individual data center profiles, you can find notes on any M&A or rebranding activity we are aware of for the specific data center.