Data Center Map

BT Services (British Telecom)

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Below you can see an overview of BT Services (British Telecom) data centers and their locations.
Click on an BT Services (British Telecom) data center to explore its location, market and specifications further.

9 data centers
8 markets

Data CenterAddressMarket
BT Data Center Frankfurt-Sossenheim
Leonhard-Heißwolf-Straße 4
Germany Frankfurt
BT Italia - Milan DC
Via Darwin 85
Italy Milan
BT DC Amsterdam
Nieuwe Hemweg 6P
The Netherlands Amsterdam
BT DC Rotterdam
Tempelhof 5-11
The Netherlands Rotterdam
BT DC Nieuwegein
Frieslandhaven 6
The Netherlands Utrecht
BT Ireland (Site 2)
45-75 May St
United Kingdom Belfast
BT Ireland (Site 3)
287-301 Upper Newtownards Rd
United Kingdom Belfast
BT Telephone House Birmingham
19 Lionel St
United Kingdom Birmingham UK
BT Baynard House
Baynard House, 145 Queen Victoria St
United Kingdom London